
Photo by Ione Peony on Pexels.com

I sat with him at the table. He offered me bread, a goblet of wine. After I partook he gave me a quill, some parchment, his smiling eyes encouraging me to write. Somehow the quill took over, gliding across the surface with ease. Before I knew it I was looking at a line of words I didn’t recognise. I looked up at him, his kind countenance pitying my ignorance.
“Try reading it again,” he said.
I looked down — suddenly the script made sense. “Reading what I have just written, I now believe.”
A gentle smile was pursing his lips.

Copyright Francis 2020

*dVerse Monday night Prosery

Trekkie Addict (Quadrille)

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels.com

In another dimension
a science fiction buff
might be prized.
Both generations of Star Trek,
scripts known verbatim,
dramas wrought
from billions
and parsecs,
all sheer make-believe:
I cannot abide it.
So which side is up in space?
I’m passed the Van Allen belts

Copyright Francis 2020

dVerse — Quadrille 117 — The Dude Abides

I am a bit of a Trekkie addict — but is it absurd?

Haibun: ‘Isabella’

Photo by Pok Rie on Pexels.com

The sea was writhing at Seahouses. Northumbria wild, voices calling on the wind blown from Hyperborean reaches.

And then you — your skin grey like a seal, matching your eyes, a lantern jaw jutting out like a promontory, unyielding.

So then why are you so kind? Because you are blind, like nature, the tempestuous oceans thrusting, reaching, for just one fleeting sight of your son.

Who brought me this far?
Providence cannot explain
Winter’s existence

Copyright Francis 2020

dVerse Haibun Monday