Baikal Zen — Rhapsody Bohème (Reblog)

Via Colin Monteath Life and Mother Nature can be pretty amazing. Check out this beautiful occurrence and forget your troubles for a moment by filling your heart with awe and wonder. This rare phenomenon is called “Baikal Zen.” Rocks that have fallen on the ice of Lake Baikal are heated by sunlight and emit infrared […]

Baikal Zen — Rhapsody Bohème

What is Zen ? — My Wandering Books (Reblog)

History of Zen Zen Buddhism is a mixture of Indian Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism. It began in China, spread to Korea and Japan, and became very popular in the West from the mid 20th century. The essence of Zen is attempting to understand the meaning of life directly, without being misled by logical thought or […]

What is Zen ? — My Wandering Books

An Inspiring Zen Story……… — Boundless Blessings by Kamal (Reblog)

One day a traveller climbed up on a mountain where he saw a hermit woman meditating with no one around her.  Surprised to see her there all by herself, he asked: “What are you doing here alone in such a solitude place?  You are not scared if something happens to you?”  To which she replied: […]

An Inspiring Zen Story……… — Boundless Blessings by Kamal

Nietzsche and Eastern Philosophy (Buddhism) — Eternalised – Philosophy (Reblog)

There are some good reasons to believe that Nietzsche was interested in Eastern philosophy during his lifetime. In the Antichrist he states: “Buddhism, I repeat, is a hundred times more austere, more honest, more objective. It no longer has to justify its pains, its susceptibility to suffering, by interpreting these things in terms of sin—it […]

Nietzsche and Eastern Philosophy (Buddhism) — Eternalised – Philosophy